Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My tours....

Hi...dear Bros.....
Ok i thing these is a place you all already visited more than once.This is "Kebun Binatang"(zoo) of Bandung, that i visit when i was in course BAHASA, with my classmates and dosens.             


Here i'm with my friends:Ousman (Sinegal), Jaman (Bangladesh) and Anvar (Uzbekistan).

......we are in "Tanguhan Prahu" Bandung......

Having Dinner in Jogja....

These photos also was taken in Jogja. There we were in like a Program Gathering Foreign Students.As you see we are having dinner. That night there we ate,watch, and introduce ourselves.....

Tuesday, April 2, 2013



This is a short clip, that was taken in Borobodur, is a moment when we were climbing to Borobodur....

My brothers......

Here we are, students international class of Unikom.  We  came from diferent countries , such as: Papua New Guini, Saudi Arabiya, Sudan, Turkmenistan,Kirgizistan and Tajikistan. It's our second simester that we are sduding in international class  together. I so glad to be in this class with these friends.......

Our university "UNIKOM" friends as you know this is our university.......... 

Course Indonesian Language

As,some of you already know that, i was learn Indonesian language in course Unpad, near our university, approximately  1 and half year ago. I studied there about six months and in that short period i learn many things and got good experience. There i met with many students from many side of world.There i learn culture, language and life of people Indonesia.I can't forget that times, because that period was the time, which make my life different.....